Bringing Light to the Study of Law: DBU Alumna Faith Myers

"Don't be deterred by something just because it is 'hard.' Sometimes we sike ourselves out of an amazing opportunity because it is uncomfortable, difficult, or intimidating. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy."
Entering the law field is no simple undertaking. For alumni like Faith Myers, though, the Lord's calling far outweighs the intimidation of the field itself. After graduating from DBU in May of 2021, Faith has continued her training at the University of Oklahoma College of Law as she diligently works towards her J.D. As she reflects on her time spent on University Hill and excitedly prepares for her future, the DBU Family celebrates the Lord's faithfulness in everything Faith has accomplished.
As the time came for Faith to choose which college to attend, the Myers family were no strangers to DBU. Faith toured many beautiful college campuses, but ultimately chose DBU because before she was even a student, University Hill felt like home. "Stepping on campus felt like an extension of home because my sister had lived in Crowley and studied at DBU just like me but years earlier, and my brother had been studying there since I was in high school, graduating after my first year in undergrad."
Upon her arrival in 2018, Faith's love for reading, the criminal justice system, and the Spanish language led her to pursue her Bachelor of Arts in English while minoring in Legal Studies and Spanish. Her many interests allowed Faith to interact with a multitude of different departments on campus.
"I am beyond grateful for the faculty at DBU who invested in not only my career goals but my life outside of the classroom," Faith shares. "It has been a true blessing that they have all been willing and able to help even into my law school career." Faith extends her gratitude for the guidance and support given to her by Dr. Jodi Grimes, who served as her academic advisor and professor, Dr. David Cook, who was a consistent mentor to Faith in her preparations for law school, and each of her Spanish professors, who encouraged Faith's love for the Spanish language throughout her time at DBU.
In addition to her time spent studying, Faith served as a student worker in the University Communications department on campus where she was able to showcase her journalistic talents by writing articles for the website (among other tasks). Looking back, one of the aspects Faith misses most about living on campus is the trail surrounding Bush Pond where Faith would often run, enjoy nature, and rest in the peace of God's creation amid her busy schedule.
After graduating in May of 2021, Faith began her studies as the University of Oklahoma. "Sometimes learning in law school is like someone standing there with gallons of water, loads of information, and telling you that each individual drop of water is important, but then dumping it all on you at once," Faith says. Despite being surrounded by mass amounts of information on a daily basis, Faith remains excited to study the many different facets of the justice system. "There's always something new to discover; as someone who loves to learn, this has to be one of my favorite parts of studying law."
Outside of her time spent in the classroom, Faith also serves as a student worker at her law school and interns for a district attorney's office. "I was blessed with the opportunity to intern in a DA office last fall, which really grew my interest in becoming a prosecutor. I shadowed ADAs, filed things as needed, and attended trials and hearings that gave me a better understanding of the criminal adjudication process," Faith explains. "Currently, I started interning for another DA and will be learning more of the ins-and-outs of criminal prosecution."
Faith plans to graduate from the OU College of Law in May of 2024 and take the bar exam the following summer. As she becomes increasingly interested in the studies of criminal law, military law, and family law, Faith is confident that the Lord will continue to guide her steps as she begins to ponder her post-graduation career.
"If you are passionate about law," Faith says, "find mentors who are lawyers or who work in criminal justice for insight into what law looks like as a profession." Additionally, Faith would encourage those interested in law to take pre-law courses, reach out to prelaw-professors for advice, and personally research the field of law.
Above all, though, Faith extends this reminder not only to pre-law students, but to the Patriot Family as a whole: "Only Jesus Himself can give you lasting contentment through a relationship with Him," she shares. "When I start to feel 'empty,' I am always grateful for those in my life who remind that there is only One true lasting source of contentment." When information floods our minds drip by drip, when circumstances seem out of control, when we trick ourselves into believing that we are self-sufficient but quickly realize Someone is missing, the overwhelming joy of the Lord remains and serves as a constant provider of true fulfillment.
In closing, Faith reflects on her favorite passage of Scripture: "If I say, 'My foot slips,' Your mercy, O' Lord, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul," (Psalm 94:18-19). "This verse reminds me that (1) I am not perfect, and that bad things are bound to happen in an imperfect world," Faith says, "and (2) that God and everything that He is will always be sufficient, even in the midst of whatever anxiety-inducing thing that has happened, will happen, or might happen."
The future of an increasingly dark world seems brighter because of dedicated servants of Christ like Faith Myers. Dallas Baptist University is blessed to have played a role in Faith's life and is excited to see how the Lord continues to work through her as she lives out DBU's mission and faithfully obeys the calling placed on her life.
*Photo taken by Jaren Collins
Emmalie Ellis writes for the University Communications Department at Dallas Baptist University.