MAGL June 2023 Commissional Corner

The Master of Arts in Global Leadership program trains students in strong intercultural and servant leadership skills equipping graduates to serve in various capacities within Christian ministry. In May 2023, five students graduated with a Master of Arts in Global Leadership degree with concentrations in missions and global studies. Sebastian Rodriguez, Courtney Yates, and Emily Austin have shared their insight into the MAGL program and how the program has prepared them for their calling.

Sebastian shared that the MAGL program provided him with the necessary skills to navigate leadership in diverse cultures. He explained that the program stressed the importance of ethical and servant leadership and effective communication in a globalized world. Sebastian plans to use these skills in lead ership development and mentorship programs at his church to help emerging leaders in their callings. When asked what he would like to share with current MAGL students, Sebastian encouraged students to embrace the journey and look for opportunities for personal growth and transformation. He stressed the importance of engaging in meaningful conversations, seeking mentorship, and collaborating with peers. Sebastian concluded, “Remember that your calling goes beyond obtaining a degree. It is about making a positive impact in the world through the gospel of the Lord Jesus.”

Courtney recalledhow the MAGL program taught her leadership skills, next-generational core aspects, and knowledge of missionaries. She shared that the knowledge and skills helped prepare her for the professional and personal side of ministry. Courtney is currently looking for a vocational ministry position that will allow her to “love the next generation well.” For current students, Courtney shared that the Lord was gracious and merciful all along the way. He provided peace, patience, gentleness, and love through the long nights andtiring days. She explained that the journey could be difficult at times, but gaining knowledge that builds an understanding of ministry will help in the future. She declared, “God will get you through what He brought you to.”

The MAGL program “sparked” Emily’s interest in learning about other cultures and worldviews. She recalled that the program is versatile, with life application opportunities to help students feel prepared to take on the world and their future ministry without fear. Emily shared that after learning about many nations, cultures, and people, she now has the desire to experience the cultures and people for herself, which led her to her current position as a flight attendant. Emily’s ultimate desire is to open her own ministry one day, but she would also love to work in discipleship, evangelism, or as a mission director for a church.Emily advised current MAGL students to enjoy the journey. She encouraged students to look at every single assignment as a growing opportunity. She continued, “Spend time in prayer while doing the assignments and ask God how He wants you to use them now and in the future.” She also recommended getting to know the professors adding, “Every professor has been a light to me and largely impacted how I do ministry.”
The MAGL program is proud of the May 2023 Graduates and cannot wait to see their impact on the world for His Kingdom.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates biblical foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.
The Graduate School of Ministry provides training for individuals who sense God's call to ministry. The mission of the Graduate School of Ministry integrates foundations of Christian faith and values with professional academic studies.