DBU Responds to Hurricane Harvey

DALLAS, TX – Hurricane Harvey has impacted thousands of lives throughout the Texas Gulf Coast area. In order to help respond to the devastation, the DBU Family has established a DBU Responds fund, which will help DBU students who are affected by this catastrophic weather.
Please find below a statement from DBU President Dr. Adam C. Wright on the establishment of the DBU Responds fund.
Dear Friends:
Our hearts are heavy as we process the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. Many of us have loved ones who are impacted by this incredible force of nature, and even as I write, I am aware of life-saving rescue efforts underway.
I am calling upon our friends looking for ways to respond as we minister to the needs of so many people affected by this tragic weather event. We are a people united by Christ with a deep desire to serve and meet the needs of others.
Over this weekend, I spent a good bit of time visiting with many families affected by the storms along with elected officials and leaders of churches, schools, and organizations seeking ways the DBU Family can respond.
A “DBU Responds” fund has been established to help the students, alumni, and families affected by Hurricane Harvey. This morning in chapel, nearly 1,700 students gathered and prayed over more than 200 DBU students whose families have been affected in some way or another by Hurricane Harvey.
Perhaps like myself, you are looking for ways to respond. Would you consider the following ways you might help:
First, we need to PRAY. Join me and countless others in lifting high the name of Jesus Christ and asking Him to intervene and provide hope, healing, and restoration to all of the areas affected by Hurricane Harvey. Pray for our DBU students and their families from affected areas. If you would like to submit specific ways we can be praying for you or affected family members, please email prayer@dbu.edu. DBU has a wonderful prayer ministry with people praying specifically for requests that come in through this email address.
Second, I am calling on people to GIVE. Make a Gift to the DBU Responds fund; 100% of your gift will help people affected by Hurricane Harvey. John Borum, Dean of Spiritual Life, is receiving requests for help from our current DBU students and alumni, and we will be able to respond through this fund.
This evening a live link will be embedded into this message through our social media outlets that will direct people to a page where they can make a secure gift. You can also make a check made payable to DBU or go through our www.dbu.edu/DBUresponds page and designate the gift to the DBU Responds fund.
We are already working with many DBU students who have made a plea for help; however, if you are a DBU student or alumnus needing help, please email spirituallife@dbu.edu to submit your request. We are aware that families of DBU students will face added financial stress over the coming months, and we pray that this fund will help lessen these burdens so students can remain enrolled at DBU and families can focus other resources they have on recovering from the storms.
DBU has made a gift to Texas Baptist Men, who were among the first to respond to the disaster inflicted by Hurricane Harvey. We are blessed indeed to have such an incredible group among Texas Baptists ministering to the needs of families affected by this natural disaster.
We are currently organizing a relief and response effort to send help to the families of our DBU students and alumni with homes that received damage from the storm. A portion of the DBU Responds fund will be used to pay for materials and expenses to rebuild homes damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Harvey. This relief and response trip will commence when we receive word from authorities that it is okay to re-enter affected areas. Currently, evacuations are still taking place, and we have been advised not to put our students or others in harm’s way.
Third, please SHARE with others within your influence about our DBU Responds plan as a way to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We recognize that you may be reading this having never had any association with DBU before. Our vision is to build a great university that is pleasing to God, and we know that one way to please God is by loving and caring for the needs of others. Please help us get the word out about practical action items people can take to respond.
Finally, we are partnering with Texas Baptist Men to DELIVER water to people impacted by Hurricane Harvey. You can help by delivering one or more whole cases of water to the DBU campus, which our Texas Baptist Men will collect and provide people in need as part of their relief efforts. You may deliver whole cases of water to the Crowley lobby, Learning Center lobby, or Ebby Halliday Center Lobby. If you are an off-campus guest, you can also deliver water to our front entrance at the Gate House on Mountain Creek Parkway.
Thank you for the generous ways many of you have responded already. Join me in seeking the Lord as he guides our steps in how best to meet the needs of others in the days ahead.
Adam C. Wright
DBU President
Dr. Blake Killingsworth is the Vice President for Communications at Dallas Baptist University.