Shining Christ's Light through the World of Business

"Each morning when I wake up, I ask Christ to shine through me throughout the day. Despite struggles or hardships, I want His joy and love to be evident to everyone around me."
And evident it is. DBU Patriot Trisha Gracy's love and passion for Christ radiates throughout the entirety of her story. Originally from East Texas, she is currently studying business management, with a double minor in Marketing and Spanish, in hopes to bring her faith to the world of business.
"It has been amazing to see and study Christians who pursue Christ and work within the business field," Gracy shared. "Rather than separating their lives, they bring such passion into each of their daily encounters. I strive for that. I never want to see myself as a Christian and a businesswoman. Instead, I want to be known as a Christian businesswoman who continually strives to shine Christ's light in every aspect of my life."
This summer, Gracy had the opportunity to put her dream into practice after landing an internship with the Human Resources team at a large corporation in DFW.
"It was amazing. Without much hesitation, the recruiter called me for an interview," Gracy explained. "Each person with whom I interacted was genuinely kind and interested in my pursuits, academically and professionally. When I met the Human Resources team, it became clear that the Lord had placed this opportunity in my life for a particular purpose."
As an intern, Gracy's work is project-based and research-orientated, revolving around topics such as policies, systems, compliance, benefits, training, and development. "We learned how to properly network with coworkers and leaders, effectively present in front of executives, and productively work within a team," Gracy shared. "No matter what field of study somebody chooses, each of these elements are crucial. If you learn how to present and communicate effectively, you can transform the world."
One of the most exciting aspects of her internship, she reveals, is how intentional the company is with her personal life and individual aspirations. During the summer, her mentor continually met up with her to talk over Gracy's interests within the HR realm and incorporated them into each of her projects.
"My internship has provided me with plenty of excitement and adventure," Gracy said. "Rather than dismissing me because I'm an intern, they met with me to discuss different elements of the company and helped me with my projects. In fact, within the first few weeks of working, I was able to meet most of the senior vice presidents and interview them for one of my projects. None of them directed me to another person; instead, they intentionally met with me, answered my questions, and asked me about my life. It was amazing!"
As she looks toward the future, Gracy hopes to continue in her academic career by earning a masters and doctorate degree. All the while, she strives to impact those around her in a positive manner, both in and out of the office.
"I never want to stop learning, and I never want to stop advancing the Gospel, regardless of my professional choices," Gracy said. "Throughout my life, personal and professional, I want God to be the center of it all and be glorified through it all. It is not about me, as Dr. Arnott always says in Macroeconomics, it is for the audience of One!"
Faith Myers is a member of University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.