Teaching to Transform: DBU Welcomes Rick Jordan as Full-Time Professor of Management

"Scripture, principles, concepts, theories, and approaches must be paired with real-life applications. Reading and understanding these things is beneficial, but lives change when students can see how they would use them in the business world."
Professor Rick Jordan, after teaching as an adjunct professor for a year, has joined DBU's full-time team as an Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business. Professor Jordan, embracing the words in 2 Corinthians 5:17, has seen his life be transformed into a new creation by the power of Jesus Christ and deeply desires the same for his students.
Professor Jordan was young when he first accepted Christ as his Savior: "My father led me to Christ and I accepted Jesus kneeling down on my father's side of his bed." It wouldn't be until later on in life, though, that Jordan would fully embrace the freedom of life found in Jesus Christ.
When asked to recount significant changes that influenced his life, Jordan responded with this question: "If a butterfly could have a conversation with a caterpillar, what would he say?" Throughout his life, Jordan has experienced the turmoil of being a caterpillar- a life of crawling on the forest floor, a life made difficult by hindrances which held him back, a life which he knew wasn't full or complete. Praise God, though, for redemption. Praise God that Jordan's life did not end as a caterpillar.
Because of the Lord's rich mercy, Jordan began his process of changing. Professor Jordan turned from his old ways and pursued his life as a new creation. It was only then that he was able to pursue all the Lord had in store for him.
Professor Jordan obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with an emphasis in Finance from Morehouse College. He has received his Master of Business Administration from Dallas Baptist University, as well as his Master of Arts in Christian Ministry. Jordan is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Philosophy in Leadership at DBU. Prior to his time at DBU, Jordan served in a number of different positions at Bank of America.
Rick Jordan is married to Jamie Nicole Jordan and together they have 3 children: Zion (14), Moriah (6), and Hannah (3). Together, the family attend Concord Church, where Professor Jordan now serves as one of the associate ministers and teaches a class on parenting.
As a full-time Professor of Management, Jordan teaches Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, and Management Communication here on campus. Jordan is passionate about sharing the love of God in his classroom and is abundantly grateful for the opportunity to integrate his faith into his teaching.
"I prepare to teach each session with fresh eyes and a Christian worldview," Professor Jordan says. "I challenge each student with each lesson to look in the mirror first before looking at someone else. The work begins with us as individuals while we serve our community."
Because the Lord has done a great work in his own life, Jordan is committed to helping DBU students walk in newness of life (see Romans 6:4) and be transformed into who God has created each of them to be.
"DBU is beautiful on the outside but even more on the inside," he says. "I love that our students seek out God's calling on their life in their particular field of study. I have the honor of walking alongside them to answer questions and watch God match my past experiences to their future."
Professor Rick Jordan's heart truly is for his students. He concludes by saying "My vocational calling to be a full-time faculty member at DBU will point at God while allowing me to walk side by side with my students. With God's guidance, I pray that all students begin at DBU as caterpillars but finish as new butterflies."
Emmalie Ellis writes for the University Communications department at Dallas Baptist University.