Introducing Dr. Joshua Longmire, Assistant Professor of Leadership and Director of the M.A. in Leadership and M.A. in International Relations

"God has been present at all points in my life. I did not come from a Christian home or well-educated family background; however, God shone through my challenging background and guided me towards him."
Dr. Joshua Longmire was born in Denison, Texas. Growing up, Joshua always had a heart for academia. After Joshua's mother passed away when he was eleven years old, he found comfort and identity in his schoolwork when he was young. Learning new things and expanding his mind became Joshua's passion early in life. After Joshua found Christ, he realized he should find his identity in Christ rather than in knowledge or academic achievements. Throughout the rest of his childhood, Joshua felt most at home at school or at his church.
Joshua attended Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi and earned his undergraduate degree. Joshua has continued to pursue his passion for education throughout his life as he has earned an M.A. in Christian Ministry and an MBA from DBU, an M.A. in Political Science from Sam Houston State University, an M.S. in Economics and Finance from West Texas A&M University, as well as a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from DBU. Dr. Longmire is also pursuing an M.A. in History and a second Ph.D. in Public Policy with a cognate in Foreign Policy from Sam Houston State University.
"As a first-generation college student, God has placed people in my life who have been instrumental at every step of my academic journey." Dr. Longmire expresses gratitude towards Dr. Sandra Reid, who encouraged him to pursue a doctorate at the end of his MBA program. He is also thankful for Dr. Jack Goodyear, who has supported Dr. Longmire for many years. "I could never have imagined where I am today without God's guidance, love, and support in my life."
During his professional career, Dr. Longmire served on the staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church as a Children's Ministry Associate for five years. After that, he joined LifePoint church in Plano as the Children's and Communications Pastor. He also taught as an adjunct political science and economics professor at Collin College and Liberty University, where he taught various classes.
"When asked about my job, I always say that I am a minister first, a missionary second, and an educator third. Therefore, I am always waiting, praying, and hoping for God to do amazing works through my students, our programs, the university, and our city." Dr. Longmire serves as Assistant Professor of Leadership and the Director of the Master of Arts in Leadership and the Master of Arts in International Relations. He taught over a dozen courses this semester, including government, economics, leadership, Christian worldview, and more. "I am excited about the work we are doing to connect with students and all the future students who will join our programs. I am eager to see what God does in their lives."
Dr. Longmire attends Prestonwood Baptist Church and is a member of a men's group there. For the first time in his adult life, he is simply a member of a church and not on staff, which has been a nice change of pace.
The Gary Cook School of Leadership produces servant leaders, Christian scholars, and global thinkers who lead with excellence for the glory of God and the renewal of our world in business, ministry, higher education, and other callings. The Cook School of Leadership offers master's degrees in higher education, international relations, and leadership; a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies; and an online Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. Graduates of the Cook School of Leadership receive a Christ-centered, interdisciplinary education that prepares them to lead with effectiveness and serve with humility in today’s organizations, impacting both present and future generations to come.
Cameron Billings is the Assistant Director of Media and Public Relations in University Communications at Dallas Baptist University.