Faculty Profile - Dr. Brent Thomason

Dr. Brent Thomason, Program Director of the M.A. in Global Leadership
Dr. Brent Thomason, Program Director of the M.A. in Global Leadership

Meet Dr. Brent Thomason, Director of the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program. The MAGL program aims to equip servant leaders to model Christ-like leadership in international and cross-cultural contexts. As the director of this program, Dr. Thomason trains students to be biblically and globally minded. Dr. Thomason also teaches undergraduate courses in both Old and New Testament Survey, allowing him to help lay the foundations of DBU students’ Christ-centered education.

"A Christ-centered education simultaneously begs the question, 'How does this data inform my understanding of Christ?' while exclaiming, 'What incredible information! How marvelously brilliant our God is!'"

Why do you teach at DBU?

"I teach at DBU because I believe in the mission of transforming students into Christ-like servant leaders who will change the world. I appreciate DBU’s unapologetic Christian stance on biblical convictions despite the tides of changing culture. DBU fosters a sense of familiarity and family so that the workplace environment feels to me more like home and less like work. Moreover, in very few institutions of higher education does one find a comradery and closeness between faculty and students like one finds at DBU. Finally, I teach at DBU because I believe I’m training my children’s future pastors, ministers, and missionaries—and when I walk out of a classroom having engaged DBU students in lecture and discussion, that thought brings me great hope and encouragement for tomorrow."

How do you integrate faith into your classroom?

"At DBU, I have many opportunities to integrate my faith and learning because I teach courses on the Bible. This does not guarantee that faith and learning will automatically be integrated in the classroom. Sadly, many other institutions approach the study of the Bible as another ancient writing to be dissected and cross-examined like any other piece of literature or as a sacred religious text filled with fables and fairy tales. One must be intentional about teaching the Bible in such a way that enables the Living Word of God to breathe life into the curriculum, in order to engage the head, stir the heart, and mobilize the hand. This kind of integration results in faith in action."

Courses Taught

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Principles of Biblical Interpretation
  • The Gospels
  • The General Epistles
  • Christian Perspectives on Global Religions and Worldviews
  • Cultural Intelligence

How do you mentor students at DBU?

"I mentor students in the classroom. The best way to reach a large group of students and impact them for years to come is to model for them the lecture content. I try to do this by weaving together personal anecdotes, stories of my failures and successes, and words of encouragement coupled with exhortation within the lecture. Students crave transparency—so I attempt to give them authenticity in my lectures and my life. I also want to mentor students on a personal basis. Whether we chat in my office, grab a coffee at Starbucks, or sit down to Chick-Fil-A, I love meeting with students in a one-on-one setting to hear about their life, pose questions for personal reflection, and offer hope from the Scriptures."

What does Christ-centered education mean to you?

"Christ-centered education speaks to the holistic approach of learning subject matter with a twofold recognition: first, all truth is God’s truth irrespective of the subject or discipline; and second, I am learning this subject matter as an expression of loving God “with all of my mind” (Mark 12:30). Thus, a Christ-centered education encourages students to steward their minds and express their intellect as a service to God. A Christ-centered education simultaneously begs the question, 'How does this data inform my understanding of Christ?' while exclaiming, 'What incredible information! How marvelously brilliant our God is!'"

About Faculty Fridays

Faculty Fridays is a feature in which we interview a few of our faculty about their time here at Dallas Baptist University. Through this endeavor, we hope to provide a glimpse into the heart of our faculty and shine a light on the genuine passion our faculty have for Christ and for our students.

About Dallas Baptist University

Dallas Baptist University is a comprehensive Christ-centered university dedicated to producing servant leaders through the integration of faith and learning. With an enrollment of over 4,150 students, DBU's main campus is located in the foothills of southwest Dallas. DBU offers 79 undergraduate programs and 37 graduate degree programs in various fields, online college degree programs, and two doctoral programs. Get more information about Dallas Baptist University (www.dbu.edu) by browsing our website, emailing news@dbu.edu, or by calling (214) 333-5172.

Written by Dallas Baptist University