"In today’s culture, social media has become the outlet through which individuals are sharing their ideas, theirs values, and their stories. And we believe that your story is worth sharing, not only because it’s important to your friends and to your family, but because it has the ability to reflect how the power of Christ can transform our lives. We’re asking you to join the #ShareDBU campaign to talk about DBU, but more than that, to explain how the Lord works through a Christ-centered community.
Faculty & Staff | April 9-15
As faculty and staff here at DBU, we are so honored to get to be a part of all that God’s doing on University Hill. For the week of April 9, we want to share with you just a little bit about how we get to be involved with what God’s doing here on campus. Don’t just watch the videos, but rather you get in the video as well; find your pictures and your memories of times that you’ve been able to share with some of God’s family here on our campus.
Alumni | April 16-22
DBU alumni, we want your involvement too! Our week is April 16. During that time, please check out our DBU social media channels and share our DBU alumni video. Additionally, we want your own pictures and content from your time at DBU. Don’t forget to hashtag #ShareDBU!
Churches | April 22
The other group that we have the opportunity to work with here at Dallas Baptist University is our local churches. We believe here at DBU that the local church is the best partner that we have. So we’re asking that on April 22, the churches across the metroplex, across the state, and where we have DBU alumni, anywhere in the world, would take time to pray for us in your morning worship service.
Students | April 23-29
Last but not least, students, it is your turn to get involved. We will have a #ShareDBU board. This will be a board where you can share some of your greatest moments and experiences of being a DBU student. Also students, take this opportunity during the month of April to be sharing stories about DBU and how it’s made an impact on you. Share it on your own personal Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: Get out there and share about your DBU experience. So be on the lookout for your week and be sure to share your stories!"
Dallas Baptist University is a comprehensive Christ-centered university dedicated to producing servant leaders through the integration of faith and learning. With an enrollment of over 4,150 students, DBU's main campus is located in the foothills of southwest Dallas. DBU offers 79 undergraduate programs and 37 graduate degree programs in various fields, online college degree programs, and two doctoral programs. Get more information about Dallas Baptist University ( by browsing our website, emailing, or by calling (214) 333-5172.