Faculty Profile - Dr. Adelita Baker

Dr. Adelita Baker, Program Director of the M.Ed. in Bilingual Education and M.Ed. in Reading and English as a Second Language programs
Dr. Adelita Baker, Program Director of the M.Ed. in Bilingual Education and M.Ed. in Reading and English as a Second Language programs

Meet Dr. Adelita Baker who teaches in the College of Education at Dallas Baptist University. DBU’s College of Education has gained national attention the past several years, as it has been recognized as being in the top 1% of elementary teacher preparation programs in the nation. Teachers play an integral role in the lives of their students, who spend more time in the classroom during their formative years than at home. Dr. Baker recognizes that teachers can have such a large impact, so we asked her a few questions to understand how she uses those opportunities for the Gospel!

Dr. Baker, Program Director of the M.Ed. in Bilingual Education and M.Ed. in Reading and English as a Second Language programs, points out how teaching is a "definite mission field. Teachers wear many hats, and those who dare, share their Christian Faith with their students through words and actions." Dr. Baker's goal for teaching is that her classes are up-to-date, applicable, and most of all, that the Scripture, devotions, and prayers shared are life-changing. Furthermore, she prays that her students will reflect on their lives and practices and take the opportunities to point others to Christ.

"My hope is that a teacher’s students and peers would notice a difference in them and ask what sets them apart."

Why do you teach at DBU?

"DBU has provided me with an outlet to share my experience and knowledge of bilingual education, reading, and ESL (English as a Second Language). The most exciting part of this job is meeting other teachers who share similar academic interests and providing them with the best instructional practices for their students. I am able to mentor these teachers and my students; in return, I learn so much from each of them."

What prompted you to become a teacher?

"Honestly, I did not want to teach. I was interested in the medical field and sports. So, I studied athletic training. At the suggestion of my head trainer, I added a teaching certificate as it was something I could fall back on. Little did I know God had other plans. During my first year out of college, I fell in love with my students and teaching."

Courses Taught

  • Methods in Teaching ESL
  • Content Area Language Proficiency Skills
  • Multicultural and Multilingual Learning Environments
  • Administration of ESL Programs
  • Studies in the Diagnosis and Clinical Correction of Reading Issues
  • Foundations of Reading
  • Specialized Reading Assessment and Instruction
  • Curriculum and Instruction in Reading
  • Linguistics for Reading and ESL
  • Assessing English Language Learners

How do you integrate faith into your work?

"I work with many teachers from local districts, most of whom are exhausted from the strain of teaching. During meetings, I like to open with true stories of instances when people had to rely upon their faith to have the grit and resilience needed in this job. Our faith allows us to overcome obstacles and fight for causes we believe in. This faith only comes from having a relationship with Christ and knowing that He works all things together for His greater purpose. We discuss how we can imitate that faith within our own lives and pray for each other to be so bold."

How do you mentor students at DBU?

"As a teacher, I get the opportunity to walk through life with my students. This past semester was tough on my students as they felt overwhelmed with various life events. I have prayed on the phone, in person, and through email with several of my students to encourage them to finish the race here at DBU."

What is your goal for your students at DBU?

"My goal is that my students would heed God’s call on their lives and use the gifts God has bestowed on them to bring Him glory. I seek to build up teachers with a passion for teaching, a love for students, and a love for Christ. My hope is that a teacher’s students and peers would notice a difference in them and ask what sets them apart. These interactions lend themselves to Gospel conversations, which help transform our students to change the world."

About Faculty Fridays

Faculty Fridays is a feature in which we interview a few of our faculty about their time here at Dallas Baptist University. Through this endeavor, we hope to provide a glimpse into the heart of our faculty and shine a light on the genuine passion our faculty have for Christ and for our students.

About Dallas Baptist University

Dallas Baptist University is a comprehensive Christ-centered university dedicated to producing servant leaders through the integration of faith and learning. With an enrollment of over 4,200 students, DBU's main campus is located in the foothills of southwest Dallas. DBU offers 77 undergraduate programs and 39 graduate degree programs in various fields, online college degree programs, and two doctoral programs. Get more information about Dallas Baptist University (www.dbu.edu) by browsing our website, emailing news@dbu.edu, or by calling (214) 333-5172.

Written by Dallas Baptist University